Weekly Update, April 02, 2010

Remedial Investigation field work commenced in late-March at the former Metropolitan Works MGP as part of the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC)-approved Remedial Investigation Work Plan (RIWP).  The work includes the installation of soil borings, monitoring wells, test pit excavations, and indoor air and sub-slab soil vapor points to gather information required to determine the nature and extent of impacts at the former Metropolitan Works MGP. 

Activities Week of March 29– April 2:

  • Remedial investigation field work commenced.  Activities included mobilization, utility mark-outs, soil boring pre-clearing, soil boring advancement, and vapor intrusion sampling.

Future (two week look - ahead) activities:

  • Continue with remedial investigation field activities, including soil boring pre-clearing, soil boring advancement, and groundwater monitoring well installation.